Bjarke "mitch" mitchell
Mitch is a stand-up comedian and counselor in a job skills program for homeless teens in Seattle. They are a regular at QTPOC stand-up nights such as Fist and Shout. This is their first film role. Mitch is a proud trans-masculine individual.
Aishe keita
Aishe is an accomplished stage actor and graduate of Cornish College for the Arts.
Casting call
Currently casting for the following roles:
JULES, 40ish cis-female lesbian with breast cancer. She is an award winning chef and owns a small chain of restaurants and cafes. She is an avid hiker and animal lover. This character has a double mastectomy without reconstructive surgery. Ideally, the actor for this role has had the same procedure with no tattoos over the scars.
SARAH, 40ish cis-female lesbian. Wife of JULES. She is supportive of JULES during her cancer treatment and surgery. She is a human resources specialist at a global tech company.
LIFEGUARD, 20ish cis-male, innocent and physically fit kid working as a lifeguard at the community pool.
To submit for a role please email a photo and work samples to by August 15th.